Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Are we playing games here?

So, back in June, Eric and I had our blood taken to see if the chromosome issue Connor is dealing with might have been passed from one of us and we had assumed we would get the results when we had our appointment on July 10. Well, of course they had said I had never made the appointment for July 10 and I had to reschedule for September 8.
I am still convinced that they deleted my appointment and because of that I had demanded an email and regular mail confirmation letter confirming our Sept. appointment.
I received and email last week from Connor's genetics counselor stating that our parent blood work would be ready in a few days. I emailed her back to thank her and reminded her that I still had not received the email or regular mail confirmation for Sept. She emailed me back again with a one line email stating she would contact that scheduling department about sending it out and she typed-Sept. 8, 2009 130pm. That was it. Is that an email confirmation?
So, last week, I received a phone call from the genetics counselor. She said our blood work was in and that they both came back normal. This means that Connor's missing chromosome and trans location started with him. This is a good thing in the sense that now we dont have to give the poor kid more tests to determine what is going on with him. We know the issue and now we just have to figure out exactly what this is going to entail, what will happen in the future and what other doctors might we need to see. She told me that when we see the doctor in Sept., he will go over all the "maybes" that might happen to Connor and we will discuss treatments and doctors for issues we already are aware due to his gene loss. She also said that they know all the names of the genes Connor is missing but don't know what some of them do. That makes me nervous. Does that mean there is not enough research done on them to know or does that mean they are not significant enough to have done research?
Well, here comes the kicker- I once again asked her while I had her on the phone to please send me the mail confirmation regarding his Sept. appointment. I explained once again that I did not want to be accused of not making an appointment and it was very important that I get that paper. She told me not to worry that it was in the mail. OK.
Well, two days later I still have not letter BUT, I get a phone call from her saying that there is a cancellation on August 11 at 130pm and we were the first on the list. I took it and she told me I would receive email confirmation and a letter in the mail. Within minutes I had the email. This email looked much different than the first confirmation from Sept. This was an actual formal letter with instructions, directions and it had a letter header from the hospital. I then got the letter in the mail one day later. Where is the Sept. one that she said was in the mail?
I am now assuming we NEVER had a Sept. appointment. I figure they were waiting until Eric and I got our blood work back to determine what was going on. Well, the issue at hand started with Connor not us and now somehow, it is important? So boom, I have an apt. in two week, I get a professional letter and all this information?
Did Connor not matter if the case was that he got this from one of us? This is crap and the system sucks. What am I 12? What kind of game are we playing here? This is a wonderful hospital but the service sucks. From the research I have been doing, this stuff is pretty common which I find insane.
I am just glad we will be seen in August and Connor can finally get the treatments he may need. I am getting more and more concerned about his sutures so I am hoping to get a referral then for a doctor other wise his pediatrician can refer us.
I think these people need some lessons in class!


Anonymous said...

Glad you got your appointment and that Connor doesn't have to have more testing, that's great news! Sorry for all the run around though (Boo!).

Kelly Jackson said...

It frustrates me the way this all works, esp when it's a precious little boy's welfare you are talking about. Connor is so lucky you are staying up on things for him :)


The Flight of the Moody Family said...

Thanks. Kelly- I cant stand what they are putting us through. I think its crap but, what can I do. Connor needs to see the doctor and if this is how they do it then I guess we dont have a choice.