Tuesday, June 22, 2010

and the bravery award goes to....

Mr. Connor Moody!!!!!!!
You have gone through and continue to go through so much with hardly a peep or complaints.
You have therapy several times a week, have to see countless numbers of doctors, wear braces on your hands and legs and have nothing but smiles to offer to people.
(before surgery)

(checking out his GIANT booties)

You had surgery yesterday morning, are in an insane amount of pain but still continue to smile and dance while laying lazily on the couch.
(right after surgery.  lots of pain)

The nurse at the hospital did a horrible job taking out your I.V. from your foot and you hardly screamed even though it was clear you were in agony.

We can hardly change your diaper right now without you wincing but somehow you still manage to look into mommy and daddy's eyes and say dack oon (love you).

For this Connor-you are by far the bravest little boy mommy and daddy will ever know and you deserve this award with love!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

To my wonderful husband

Happy Father's Day.  You are an incredible father to our son.  Connor and I are so lucky to have you in our lives.
Enjoy this day with your boy!
We love you!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A big boy now...

Connor has therapy several times a week and on Thursdays we find ourselves there for hours.  It is by far his favorite day of therapy so I am sure he doesn't mind the long sessions.
Today was a big day for Connor.  He was able to climb the stairs holding onto just one hand of the therapist and he practiced walking on a balance beam.  As his therapist came out to tell me all of this good progress she also mentioned to me that she now believes he can be classified in the 15-18 month category physically.
This is amazing news.  Six months ago he was 12-15 months.  He is beginning to progress quickly.
I am a very proud mommy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Did I just seriously notice this now....

I have the most adorable little boy imaginable...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Time to bring them down....

It is finally time for Connor to have surgery on his little testicles. Connor has seen a urologist a few times now and we all hoped that once Connor started walking, gravity would do its job and they would come down on their own.  No such luck this time.  In fact, the left testicle has gotten higher than the last time the doctor checked.
He will be having both brought down on June 21.  It should be a very simple procedure lasting no more than two hours.  He will be able to go home later the same day.   I am not so nervous about the surgery itself but more so about the anesthesia.  I was a nervous wreck last year during his MRI so I am sure this will be no different.
There are a few good things about getting this down while he is so young...
1.  He wont remember this when he is older.
2.  Connor should recover within several days to a week.
3.  He will be showered with love and I am sure presents.
Eric and I had the time off from work already to celebrate my birthday so instead of doing that this year, we will be using the time off to celebrate Connor having testicles in the right place.