Sunday, May 31, 2009

The waiting game...

We are in the middle of getting Con tested for genetic disorders.  Connor is very delayed physically and has a few features that draw concern to his doctor.  
On May 15 he had a genetic apt. at Cedars Hospital.  It was a VERY LONG and drawn out apt. but all in all it went well.  The doctor was concerned and requested that we go down the hall to get Con a very specific chromosome test.  I believe he is looking of something at the end of a particular chromosome.  It was a very expensive test and we were told the results should be in by the end of the month.  HELLO....TODAY IS THE END OF THE MONTH.  WHERE ARE THE RESULTS!
I asked what the doctor thought was going on with Connor and he refused to tell me.  He stated that it would just worry me and make me look on the net and he also did not want to falsely diagnose Connor (which I respect) but, now I am starting to get anxious.  I really would like to know what is going on with my son.
He was very concerned with his skull shape so we will be getting Connor a 3D CT scan on Thursday, June 3.  We are attempting to do the scan while Connor is awake.  I decided that I would prefer to try it this way first before we go ahead and put him under.  I am keeping my fingers crossed this way works.  I am also keeping my fingers crossed that I get a phone call from the doctor tomorrow.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Lets share...

Here mommy, you can have some of my meat loaf!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Please stand up...

Connor is finally attempting to lead us to think he might become active soon.  Standing up from sitting on something other than the ground is the first of many tasks Connor will be accomplishing in the near future.  
We were shocked and so very proud to see him stand up all by himself.  We are very close to rolling over as well so that very well might be his next accomplishment.  He is progressing so nicely in his physical therapy.
I am a very happy momma!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Get the milk OUT...

We just came to find that Connor is sensitive to cow's milk.  We did not expect this to happen considering he has been drinking milk fine for five weeks now.  
It started a few days ago when Connor kept me up for two nights straight ALL NIGHT (and I do mean ALL NIGHT).  Finally, on Thursday, he began vomiting.  I noticed a pattern immediately.  It was always with in 15 minutes of drinking milk.  I honestly never knew so much vomit could possibly come out of a 22 pound human being.  I phoned the doctor and she told me to get lactaid.  I did and that lasted a whole five minutes before it came back up again.
We are now on Soy Milk and so far so good.  The doctor said if he has a reaction, we will be seeing it with in two weeks.  Lets hope soy is a go.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dang you stupid tooth

Connor has been a doll when it comes to teething.  He started getting teeth VERY YOUNG (maybe 3 months) and has rarely complained.  He is finally getting in his very last molar and he has now decided to grace us with his pain.  I have been up for two nights in a row with a screaming child who clearly seems to be out of control. I wish there was something I could do for him.  Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is working.  He is fine all day long and with in minutes of putting him down for either a nap or sleep at night; all hell breaks loose.  
I am hoping this tooth pops soon and brings us back our little sweet boy.

Monday, May 4, 2009

My busy life

So, I am now realizing that I have absolutely NO FREE TIME.  I drive either myself or the hubs to work everyday (we have one car and I need it to run errands), I clean, cook, shop and take care of the lad.  Eric offers to take the car to work so I can rest but, I end up cleaning instead.  Each day off I have is over come by errands, therapy, swim lessons, cooking and the list can go on.  My job as a mommy is great but I need a break.  Someone give me one hour PLEASE! 
 I was able to escape last week and run to the drugstore alone.  I found myself wandering down every isle utilizing each minute of my time to myself.  It was wonderful.