Monday, May 24, 2010

I don't understand....

So far, the toughest hurdle for Connor has been speech.  He KNOWS he is saying something to us yet, we have not clue what it is and cannot understand him.  All of his words sound the same.  I think he has about 6-7 words which are clear and we are able to understand.  He has a phonetics problem where he hears the words we say clearly but for some reason the brain does not send the message to the mouth correctly.  He either says the word back words or might only say half of the word.  Some words he hears completely differently.
We tell him LOVE YOU and is response is "bot boo"(or something of that nature).  The good thing for us is that he has all of the correct syllables and he is saying his own words in the same fashion we would say ours.
It is going to be a long road of learning how to talk.
I have decided to start making charts for Connor.  It is too difficult for him to ask us something.  He knows what he wants but we cant quite understand him yet.  I will be taking pictures of basic things and when he wants or needs something I will go ahead and ask him what it is.  This way I can help him learn "our" language a little better and can understand "his" language at the same time.


The Turkstra's said...

What a great idea!

April said...

i *SO* wouldn't worry at this point... casey didn't start talking until well after 2 and now he just won't stop!!!

A little after two he had words for some things but they didn't necessarily correlate to the real word (which sounds a lot like what connor does) also he babbled in his own nonsensical language a lot (like TRULY nonsensical not just an 'oh we don't understand it' thing).

i would say he was at least 2.5 years old before he started really repeating words and he was closer to three before he was consistently using proper (short) sentences.

(sorry for the novel)

SeekerofGrace said...

Great idea! I wish we had done signing since Alex isn't a big talker. He finally started asking for "help", but I love you is a long way off... :)

SeekerofGrace said...

Great idea! I wish we had done signing since Alex isn't a big talker. He finally started asking for "help", but I love you is a long way off... :)