Thursday, May 6, 2010

A little list of accomplishments...

My little boy is just amazing. He has come so far and in honor of him being my favorite person; I have decided to make a list of his recent accomplishments.
1.began walking in March 2010 and began taking steps backwards in May 2010
2.starting to show interest in using a spoon (a huge accomplishment considering his hands and arms don't turn and flex as easily as ours)
3.beginning to say some words. I think we are up to about 7 or 8 words now and he tries to make new sounds daily.
4.when I ask him to sing me a song he (in a very adorable high pitch voice) says DA DA DA (la la la).
5.he will be fitted for braces for his legs next week which will in turn straighten him and improve his balance.
6.CRAYONS! he finally is interested and can mark a paper with out my help.
7.His cast came off last week and he is now applying pressure to his left arm and has stop babying it.

I am sure the list can go on forever but since he is now crying for my attention I shall end it here.
We sure have come a long way.

1 comment:

The Turkstra's said...

Go Connor Go! We are so proud of you and your fabulous Mommy and Daddy! You all are so strong!