Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Why must Connor destroy everything now that he can crawl? He barely moves considering he has only be crawling for a week yet he manages to destroy a room in less than five minutes.
Why do I continue to follow behind him and pick things up knowing it will be destroyed once again in a few minutes?
I begged for him to crawl and now that he does I wish it would stop!


Korie said...

Amen! It is so great that Connor has started crawling....but it is amazing how much trouble little boys can get themselves into! I am currently dealing with a climbing toddler so I have resorted to lying all the dining room chairs on their sides so Braeden cannot stand on the table!

Antonia (Birdie & Bee) said...

It's funny how much we encourage our LO's to move onto the next stage of mobility (from lying there to rolling over to crawling to standing to cruising to walking to running to climbing, and then it'll be skateboards, bikes and cars, heaven knows where it'll stop!) only to then wish that they would stay still so as not to leave a trail of destruction in their wake or so they wouldn't get into trouble (i sometimes long for the days when i could put Fin down and know that he'll still be in the same place when i got back!). But a big hurrah to Connor crawling - just wait til he starts walking, running and climbing!