Monday, February 15, 2010

The paranoid woman...

Connor's chromosomal condition still confuses me more than words can describe. Instead of a syndrome we have a list of could be's, maybes, no's and yeses. I understand my role as his mother and I know that I need to do some things to check the list of maybe's each year. This is all fine to me but why cant I find any info on the internet or from his doctors at that regrading his specific deletion?
Today I decided to look up Connor's chromosomal translocation to see if that led me anywhere. Well, it did. Straight to leukemia. Now I am paranoid and think it might be a possibility that he could be at a higher risk due to the 12,21 translocation. Connor is relatively tiny for his age (due to missing genes) and does not grow very quickly. I wrote his genetics doctor explaining that yes I am over protective and yes I can be a bit paranoid at times but is this something I need to be worried about? I hope they don't think of me as being a freak or anything.
If I had some answers that better explained this whole situation, I might not be such a nervous wreck all the time.


The Turkstra's said...

I hope this isn't the case for Connor. I really hope its just some internet BS designed to make mommies parinoid. I will pray that the doctor gets back to you quickly with good reassuring information.

The Flight of the Moody Family said...

Thanks Sarah. The doctor did get back to me and told me that he had never heard of Connor's translocation linking to anything like leukemia. I sent him the wikipedia info I had gotten it from and told him the internet is a dangerous place for scared parents. lol

SeekerofGrace said...

Well, that is nerve-wracking. It's incredibly hard to be in the dark. I hope they can find answers for you and help little Connor... surely it's not connected to leukemia. Praying not!

April said...

you are so not a freak. i lie awake at night worrying about my babies too. everything is scary. everything.