Monday, October 26, 2009


Turns out my worry was for nothing. Connor's kidneys are A-OK. I guess we just have an very thristy little man who needs to drink all the time.
I am assuming the kidney ultra sound will be a yearly thing as is most of his tests will be.
I still have yet to make the appointment for the cardiologist or the urologist. I best be making those soon.
I now have to find a new physical, occupational and speech therapist for Connor. With all the budget cuts, the state now makes us go through the insurance first use all those appointments up and then go back to the state.


The Turkstra's said...

So lad the kidney's are ok!

SeekerofGrace said...

I'm glad it turnd out okay. I also have excessive thirst for water, but it's just me - nothing's wrong (they've checked). Good luck making all those appointments!

April said...

glad his kidneys are good!!!