Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lets take a trip....

To our local fire house.
We took Connor to the fire station recently because he has shown a major obsession with trucks and sirens lately.  Every time I fire truck or emergency vehicle drive by with their sirens and lights on Connor cries when they are gone and signs for more.  Sadly he does not quite get the concept yet that they are on their way to save lives and can not stop for him.
The tour was amazing.  They showed us EVERYTHING.  The ambulance, fire trucks (inside and out), all of their emergency equipment, the tower where they dry their hoses, living quarters, kitchen and locker room.
Connor was scared at first.  I don't think he realized how big the trucks actually were.  But, within ten minutes you would have thought the kid lived their.  The firemen were so kind.  We all got stickers and Connor got quite a few goodies and memories to take home with him.   He now waves every time a fire truck drives by.
We cant wait to take him again.


SeekerofGrace said...

Well that is just cool!!! I'm so glad you got to go! I would like to someday take Alex. I still get emotional just driving by... we live right by the fire station and can even hear it go off from our house. I am so grateful for what they do.

The Flight of the Moody Family said...

yes, Desiree, you of all people should get emotional seeing or driving by a fire truck. You know first hand how hard they work to help us. I have a new respect for Firemen and women now that I have had that tour with them.

The Bauer Family of 4 said...

That is so cool!! So happy that Connor enjoyed himself!! I can't wait until Jaxin is older so that I can take both my kids. I know they would both love it!