Thursday, June 25, 2009

And the appointments continue...

That short week long break from the hub bub of my life was much needed but too short lived. We are back at it now, making appointments, going to PT and going to work.
Connor had his 15 month check up today and we also got the approval for Connor's MRI. Connor is now 31 inches long and weighs 23 pounds 6 oz. He is such a good sized boy. His pediatrician was truly so proud of how happy he was going through everything that he is right now. He had one shot and DID NOT MAKE A PEEP. Now that is one brave boy.
His pediatrician said that she was so proud of the progress he is making in PT. She flopped him on his belly and he pushed up immediately. She also mentioned that he was slightly advanced in speech which is such great news to me. It is nice for him to be making such great progress with everything.
Connor's doctor said that she can almost guarantee Connor will need surgery to correct the Metopic Ridge on Connor's skull. We will be hooking up with a cranial facial team at Cedars when we have our genetics appointment on July 10. She gave me all the paper work needed to get his MRI done and told me I could go to the hospital of my choice (thank goodness for wonderful insurance).
She did not talk much about the luekodystrophy that Connor might or might not have. I am thinking the only thing that will give us ANY answers is this MRI. I am now waiting on the hospital to contact the pediatricians office to make the appointment for Con.
He is now napping quietly and I am so proud of my little brave boy!


The Turkstra's said...

What a Brave little boy!

erinleighirish said...

Poor Connor... You all have been through so much already... I will be thinking of you guys.

The Flight of the Moody Family said...

Thanks. I just cant help but say as silly as this sounds, this is just not fair. HE is a trooper though. Never stops smiling.