Monday, April 5, 2010

Where to start?

It has been far to long since I have updated about this life I am leading.
Lets see...
Connor saw a heart doctor who determined he has an innocent heart murmur and his heart happens to be in top notch condition. Thank goodness. His chromosome deletion did not give him any heart conditions.
Shortly after that, he turned the big TWO. I cant believe my special little man is two years old.
We had a nice family party and then went to Disneyland to continue our celebration for a few days.
We returned from Disneyland and Eric returned to work. I was still on vacation for a few more days.
Four days into his third year on Earth, Connor stood up, fell down and broke his arm.
We were not sure what was going on at first as it did not look broken to us. We took him the the ER the next morning and well, here we sit now with a casted arm. He is miserable. He wants the cast "UP" which is off in Connor speak. He is constantly falling due to his balance being off and now his face is a black and blue map. He hits himself in his sleep with hit and falls on it daily. I feel for him. He never complains.
Thank goodness it will heal in three short weeks and be good as new in a few months.
What will happen next?