Connor simply adores Darren. If you even mention his name he goes crawling into the living room to look for him and quietly sits by the door to wait for him.
I know he does not understand that we will be losing him but we are trying to explain that Darren has to go bye bye and we will start going to the hospital for out patient services. I am sure once we get to the new therapists office he wont care. They have toys, what can be better than that.
I just feel so bad that Darren will not be able to see Connor actually walk across the room. He is the one that got Connor this far in the first place.
When he started seeing Connor last year in April, he categorized him at being at a 4-5 month level physically. He has since taught him to roll, crawl, pull up and now take steps. He is now at a 11-12 month level physically. WOW, that is amazing to me in less than a year to get him so far. Now if we can get him to a 22 month level all will be perfect.
Connor will be seeing his new therapist as long as the insurance allows which is 20 sessions. Once we expire those, we will go back to the Regional Center and cross our fingers that we will be able to get back Darren.
I wish I could write the state of California a letter stating how horrible I think there budget cuts are and that they should have re-thought where to make the cuts. This has been such a long process for us setting up three therapies through the insurance just to have the regional center pick him up once again after insurance is up.
Oh well, what ever is best for my son is what I am going to do.