I have been waiting since June 10 to finally see and speak to Con's genetics doctor face to face. I cant wait to get to the 10th of next month.
My biggest fear is of course, the upcoming MRI. The actual test does not make me nervous because I truly trust the doctors and know they have his best interest in mind (I might change my mind and begin to freak at any moment). It is the results that are weighing heavy on my mind lately. I wish I could google search all the info I know and have the EXACT result at hand to ease my mind a bit.
Eric and I will be getting our blood drawn tomorrow morning(required for genetics testing) to see if Connor's missing chromosome is a normal variance of one of us or something that has started with him. The results of that freak me out even more. If Eric or I also have a missing 21 then does that mean something really is wrong with my sweet boy's little brain?
Why cant I just sit back and relax and not worry so much. I try to distract myself but as the days draw closer, my mind begins to go into overdrive. I am now losing sleep. I know I must wait to cross the bridge when we come to it but, I think I am already at the bridge...WAITING.
Once Connor wakes up, everything will be fine. That smiling face of his is enough to make anyone want to perk up. He is absolutely the very best thing we could have ever asked for.